Meet John Larkin


Candidate for Wayne County Circuit Court Judge

  • 33 years of trial and courtroom experience
  • Litigated a broad range of issues including civil and criminal cases 
  • Safeguarded individuals from employment-related job loss
  • Protected families from losing their homes and vehicles
  • Represented and counseled indigent clients who could not afford legal representation
  • Helped individuals secure counseling for mental health and substance abuse treatment
  • Counseled individuals and resolved financial challenges
  • University of Detroit Mercy Law School
  • University of Michigan
  • Brother Rice High School
  • St. Michael
  • Member of St. Edith Church
  • Active member of the Knights of Columbus and Rotary Club
  • Pro bono attorney at Most Holy Trinity Church for 20+ years and volunteer at Ark Food Kitchen and Trumbull Soup Kitchen
  • Member of the Detroit Bar Association, Incorporated Society of Irish American Lawyers, Michigan Association of Justice, and past President of the Livonia Bar Association
  • Coach at Livonia Hockey and Dynamic Boxing Club
  • Married 29 years to Soraya Kim Larkin
  • Father to 3 adult children and 2 furry rescues
  • 1986 Golden Gloves Champion
  • Completed 15 marathons 


On November 5, 2024, vote for John Larkin
for Wayne County Circuit Court Judge